
Tae Wan Kim, Associate Professor of Business Ethics, Tepper School of Business

Tae Wan Kim is Associate Professor of Business Ethics at Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business. Prior to joining Tepper’s faculty in 2012, he did his PhD in Ethics and Legal Studies at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Kim is on the editorial boards of Business Ethics Quarterly and Journal of Business Ethics. Kim has published in Business Ethics QuarterlyJournal of Business EthicsEthics and Information TechnologyAcademy of Management Learning & EducationProceedings of ACM CHIProceedings of AAAI/ACM on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society (AIES), Proceedings of IEEE Privacy-Aware Computing (PAC), and a book chapter of Robot Ethics 2.0 (Oxford University Press), Cambridge Handbook of Research Approaches to Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility (Cambridge University Press), and Business & Society 360 (Emerald).

He is a member of the IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems Drives, program committee of AAAI/ACM AIES 2019 and Halcyon Dialogue for Responsible Integrated Technology Certification.